St Nicholas Hospice Care chooses Brandon Day Centre for ‘Open House’ sessions

On Wednesday 18th we met with Angela Jiggins and Gerri Fox of St Nicholas Hospice Care. They were looking for a venue in Brandon to establish Open House sessions where they offer a range of services to individuals with life threatening and long term health issues, their carers and family members. Having looked around the Day Centre, they felt our meeting room would be an ideal location and we agreed that their first session will take place on Monday 27 February 2017 from 2pm and then the fourth Monday of every month thereafter. We are delighted to have met them and for them to run this valuable service from the Day Centre.

The link below will take you to their website where you can get more information on the services they offer.

A New Year and bright new start for Brandon Day Centre

Yesterday marked the start of Empanda’s involvement with the Brandon Day Centre. The senior team were all on hand to meet customers and staff, as well as local councillors who popped in to wish us well on our first day.

We enjoyed having a chat with customers over a cup of tea after lunch and finding out what the Day Centre means to them. Here are just a few snippets …

“Coming to the Centre means a lot. I can talk to people my own age. My body might be dead but my mind is very much alive and that’s why I like joining in with quizzes and codewords.”





“I come to the Centre every day and I enjoy it because there’s always something going on and people are in and out all the time. I am a Spurs supporter and used to play football and cricket, so I like joining in with games.”


2017 is very much a year for developing and maximising the potential within the Centre for existing and future day care customers and broadening the service offer to attract the wider Brandon community.

Young people receive an unexpected surprise at Christmas

donated-christmas-gifts-2016Following a request to friends on Facebook to donate unwanted Christmas gifts for residents at the three Empanda Young People’s projects, Housing Support Worker, Stacey Carter, was delighted to receive 52 items (two for each resident), including chocolates, cosmetics and clothing. Stacey then took time to wrap each present to be handed out to residents before the big day.

We are amazed at the generosity of so many people and would like to send out a big ‘thank you’ message on behalf of Empanda staff and YPS residents to Stacey and her friends for making such a difference at Christmas to the young people we support.

Empanda staff support Yemen Crisis Appeal

A big thank you to the staff team at Empanda who voted to support those in need instead of receiving a token Christmas gift from the company.

To mark our first Christmas, we wanted to do something in keeping with our ethos and ideology and were deeply moved by the plight of those living in Yemen. With 7 million people at risk of starvation and with easily treated diseases killing people unable to access or afford treatment, we asked staff if they would agree to us using the money earmarked for a gift to go to this appeal instead.

A unanimous ‘yes’ vote from staff meant we were able to make a donation to the Yemen Crisis Appeal on their behalf, which in some small way, will make a difference to those in need.

Link to the Appeal film: