Empanda Care & Support’s services for adults with a learning difficulty have been rated ‘Outstanding’ by national regulator the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
As a registered provider, Empanda offers short respite stays to over 100 adults each year at Oak Trees in Attleborough, Norfolk, as well as personalised care and support to adults living in their own homes across Breckland and South Norfolk.
The service, which was inspected in December 2019, was rated ‘Outstanding’ for being safe, caring and well-led and ‘Good’ for being effective and responsive, giving Empanda an overall rating of ‘Outstanding’. This is only the second time the service has been inspected since Empanda took over in April 2016 (in 2017 we were rated as ‘Good’ across all five key lines of enquiry (KLOEs)). We had hoped that we might achieve one ‘Outstanding’ this time round, but not three! We are overjoyed at the Oak Trees team’s achievement.
The CQC report said that people were provided with flexible, responsive and person-centred care and praised staff for the high quality of service, their commitment, dedication, compassion and creativity; their open and inclusive ethos and well-established relationships of trust and support between staff, service users and their families, enabling people to stay safe.
Respite service user James Morgan (pictured left) said, “For the past few years that I’ve been going to Oak Trees, I have loved and still love every time that I get to go there. Ultimately, I feel really safe and protected when I’m there. Congratulations to Oak Trees Respite Care in Attleborough for receiving the highest of praise from the CQC.”
James’ mother, Jane added, “Oak Trees provides a welcoming home from home environment and my son loves staying there as he is well cared for and treated with respect. He always has a fun time and the bonus for us is that we don’t have to worry while he is away.”
A relative of supported living service user Adrian, said, “Oak Trees is a unique service where they are totally committed, treating everyone as a family member. My brother has not just been looked after by this amazing team, but has grown as an adult, has learned how to live with his wife almost independently, been encouraged to make his own decisions and helped to follow his dreams. They treat everyone using the service as equal citizens, value their opinions and their requests are met wherever possible.”
Jemima Burnage, CQC head of inspection for adult social care in the central region, said: “Inspectors saw Empanda Care & Support delivering care that was safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led at Oak Trees in Attleborough. People deserve to receive good care that meets their individual needs from staff who are compassionate when they use services, and it is clear that is what this service is doing.” She added, “The hard work of the staff working at this service is making a real difference to people. This is why we have rated it Outstanding.”
Kerrie Good, Director (Learning Difficulties) said, “I am extremely humbled and proud and want to thank all our tenants, our respite guests, their families, the Oak Trees staff team and all those professionals from health and social care who supported us during our most recent inspection and throughout the years. I would also like to thank all Empanda colleagues and volunteers for your continued support and we could not have done it without you. You are all such amazing people and we will continue to work hard to maintain, and maybe even exceed this incredible rating.”
If anyone is interested in finding out more about staying at Oak Trees Respite Service, please visit www.empanda.org.uk.
The full CQC report is available at www.cqc.org.uk