Learning disabilities

Services for adults with a learning disability

Empanda has two main types of service for adults with a learning disability, both of which are based in Norfolk.

Respite care at Oak Trees

‘Oak Trees’ on the outskirts of Attleborough, was purpose built in 1996 to offer short-term accommodation for up to four adults at a time and over 100 adults each year. The scheme is rated as ‘Outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission and currently receives 100% customer satisfaction from the feedback forms customers and their families complete at the end of their stay.

The team takes time to get to know every new service user before they come for the first time so they can help them get the most from their stay at Oak Trees. Families, carers and social workers are also involved to ensure that a package of care and support is developed that is personal to each individual.

Bookings can be made via Adult Social Care Services at Norfolk County Council or, for those who manage their own Personal Budgets or who wish to pay privately, by contacting Oak Trees direct.

click here to find out more about our respite care service.

Supported living

The Learning Disabilities team also offers personalised care and support to adults living in their own homes across 16 different locations.

Each customer has a care and support plan that is developed with the service user, their family, their social worker and the Learning Disabilities team. The plans are reviewed regularly and updated to reflect the individual’s changing needs.

click here to find out more about our supported living service.

Empanda’s Learning Disabilities team is a group of highly skilled, experienced professionals who are passionate about what they do. Evidence of their commitment was their decision to take groups of customers away on holiday. To date there have been hugely successful short-stay breaks at Center Parks and coastal holiday camps, as well as a longer trip to one of the Spanish islands where a group of customers and staff enjoyed the beautiful Mediterranean weather whilst relaxing on the beach. The team plans to offer more holidays in the future.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about our services for adults with a learning disability, please give us a call, email us, or pop in for a chat.

Kerrie Good, Director (Learning Disabilities)
Empanda Care & Support Ltd CIC
Oak Trees
26 Norfolk Drive
NR17 1QW

Tel: 01953 457360

Email: kerrie.good@empanda.org.uk

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